subota, 14. veljače 2015.

The Elements Of The Uncanny In Great Expectations

Uncanny (adj.) - ghostly, mysterious, strange, supernatural, unreal, abnormal, odd, weird, etc. In other words - Miss Havisham, and everything about her. Haunted by her own past she turns into a living corpse, haunting others. She tries to pull everyone into her dead/alive world that she is trapped in. But there's a unique twist that Charles Dickens added to her uncanniness. It was the moment when she had realized what she'd done, and begs Pip for forgiveness.

"My name is on the first leaf. If you can ever write under my name, 'I forgive her,' though ever so long after my broken heart is dust - pray do it!
She turned her face to me for the first time since she had averted it, and to my amazement, I my even add to my terror, dropped on her knees at my feet; with her folded hands raised to me in the manner in which, when her poor heart was young and fresh and whole, they must often have been raisted to Heaven from her mother's side. 
"O!" she cried. despairingly. "What have I done! What have I done!" " (Dickens, C. (1986) Great Expectations  (page 395- chapter 49),  Marshall Cavendish Partworks Ltd, 58 Old Compton Street, London  WIV 5PA)

Since the novel is full of contrasts; rejection - love, the wealthy and the poor, I think that what happened to Miss Havisham next is just one of them. The moment when Pip visits her is the moment when she shows infact is human with a soul and alive. So what happened next - her wedding dress catching fire, had to be in contrast to that scene. She dies of severe burns and injuries not long after the fire, but Pip forgives her.

Being the realistic person that I am, and looking at Miss Havisham and her lifestyle, it is all definitely unreal and supernatural. I researched the medical side of it and what would happen to a person that lived more than 20 years in a house with no sunlight what so ever. I found out that it is actually impossible and in reality she would have died long before than she did in the novel, and this is why...
Human bodies need vitamin D and sunlight in order to survive. Vitamin D can be found in food (e.g. carrots), but the Sun is the source of it. Without it there is a huge risk of health issues such as osteoporosis, muscle weakness, heart disease, diabetes, even cancer. Also, our eyes are useless withouth light and we would eventually become blind. Since Miss Havisham did have a candle as a source of light and did not live in complete darkness, she probably wouldn't have gone blind. Never the less, her eyes would gotten really small and her eyeslight would've been terrible.
reference found on feb 14th 2015

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